Title: Machine Madonna
Pairing: Soma/Marie/...GN-Archer? I don't know. You decide.
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: 602
Notes: Written for the kinkmeme. Is not actually porn, but has a definite mecha-kink slant to it.
Summary: When she takes over for Marie, Soma promises to keep one thing safe.
Marie had loved everything about the GN Archer. )
Title: Within and Without
Pairing: Setsuna/Marina
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: 1,683
Notes: Written for a kinkmeme prompt, because even if I prefer other pairings for both of them, the fandom needs more Setsuna/Marina.
Summary: Marina finds her innocent meetings with Setsuna taking a different turn--and she likes it.
Later, Marina thought that it would have been more romantic if he had come by night. )
Title: Halfway There
Characters/Pairing: Sumeragi, Allelujah, Lyle, Setsuna, Tieria, other Ptolemy crew. Slight Allelujah/Marie, a hint of Feldt/Setsuna if you want to read it that way.
Rating: G
Wordcount: 2,050
Notes: Old, old kinkmeme prompt. Written without rewatching the final episode, so there are probably a handful of errors.
Summary: After the final battle, Celestial Being picks up the pieces.
Before a battle came preparation: Sumeragi knew it well. )
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