Feb 2010 magazine scans + movie character design

Jan 10, 2010 14:56

Magazine scans from 2ch again, folks.
Warning: Movie spoiler inside.

Newtype Feb 2010
Interview with Mizushima regarding the movie, featuring final designs of 00 Qan[T], illustrated by Ebikawa himself

Didn't find the Allelujah/Tieria scan but someone stitched the Meister pics together. LOLing a bit that the only difference in the uniform are those pocket lining.

The transcript of Mizushima interview is here: http://randal.blog91.fc2.com/blog-entry-1036.html
Good Haro & mike_s_6 previously translated the kouryakukan summary, which contains pretty much the same info though maybe worded differently.

MuchaBuri Mission; there's a "Final" there so maybe this is the last of the series

Animage Feb 2010
Feature is about Special Edition III (scheduled 23 Feb)

Advertisement for second "Meister Portrait" mook, featuring Lockon (scheduled 30 Jan)

Animedia Feb 2010
This month's comic theme is New Years

And an addendum regarding a circulating image of movie character design...

As we know a movie trailer was played during the "trailer for the trailblazer" Gundam 00 event on New Year's Eve. No pictures from there have been leaked as far as I know, but we get a few fanart depicting what the characters look like.

Apparently this one by RoZ (rzalter.blog87.fc2.com/blog-entry-156.html)

got so popular because it looks really nice so some people, including popular gunpla blogger NgeeKhiong thought they're official design sketches. So let this be a PSA: the design is official (such as Allelujah with long hair), but the picture is fanart. Please don't post other people's fanart without crediting ^^

anime:news, scans:newtype, scans:animedia, anime: char ranking, scans, staff:mizushima seiji, staff:interview, scans:animage

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