00expo Q&A and ACP

Jul 06, 2009 21:13

So AX is over :( but it was super fun.

I went to the majority of the 00 related panels and meet the guests thing, so I've gathered up what information I had.

-Favorite characters are Nena and Shirin
-Big Morning Musume fan (I wouldn't be surprised if his schedule was made around MoMu events hahaha)
-Did not intentionally make 00 to have similarities to Wing (he did not watch Wing), but has been pointed out the similarities after the fact. 00 and Wing are the only series where the main heroes are the provocater. Bandai staff was around to tell him if 00 got too similar to the other past series; he was being very careful towards directing. Someone pointed out the similarity of the ambiguous relationship of Setsuna and Marina to Heero and Relena, while Mizushima's wife pointed out that both series had the pilots show up decending from the sky.
-Soran Ibrahim was, in fact, homage to the movie Turtles Can Fly.

-Glasses fetish lol. He likes the newscaster.
-A work-a-holic. He has been workin on the movie non-stop, even while at the AX hotel room.

-Tieria-sexual, but also likes Setsuna.
-Mizushima asked her to audition for character designs.
-Character design was based on information from directors.
-Tried to keep true to the original story when doing some of the backstories for the Dear Meisters book.
-She also has a very adorable skip. :x

-Graham will be makiing a big comeback for the movie. Graham's Counter Attack. As Graham or Bushido? That's a secret.
-CB will be fighting "extra-terrestrials". (Now, at the 00 focus panel, it was under the assumption that plot lines of S2 were 'spoilers' because it's english release hadn't come out yet, so I couldn't really hear if that answer was directed towards S2 or the movie).
-Graham and Billy are strictly just friends.
-Everyone who lived or died was already planned out. There was no pressure from above to keep or get rid of a character.
-Incorporated a lot of current events.

There is probably some things I've simply forgotten or couldn't quite hear, but I'm sure I got the majority of it. I left out the SEED related ones mostly because it was getting annoyingly repetative...

All three then selected 1st and 2nd place for the ACP 00 Contest.
1. Prince Ali as Ali Al-Saachez
2. OwlDepot as Sumeragi Li Noriega

Thanks to all those that participated and voted!!

staff:mizushima seiji, event:expo, cosplay

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