Since some of the spoilers that "The Crazy Spoiler Guy", as Good Haro calls him, actually happened in this last episode I will post the last batch of spoilers Good Haro posted on her blog that haven't been shared in the community.
Important: Good Haro is not in any way anal about the spoiler she has translated being posted elsewhere but she does say the following: Really, seriously, don’t take these as anything more than psychotic ramblings of someone who may or may not be the same spoiler guy and are probably really badly translated/interpreted. i.e. if I see some idiot throwing these around on /m/ as “evidence” to bitch someone out with, I might throw a huge hissyfit (I am not trying to say DO NOT REPOST LOLOLOL, I’m just saying: don’t be a goddamn retard about this stuff, it’s shakey at best to begin with before my attempt at translating/interpreting it so don’t start spitting it out like fact, mmkay?) So please keep that in mind. However, as of episode 19, Crazy Spoiler Guy appears to be onto something..
The first batch of spoilers which were posted Feb. 10:
In that weird airspace {Trans-am Raiser particle spam I assume} Setsuna, Saji and Louise meet again but there they bid each other farewell.
Louise’s nonstop desire for revenge makes Saji cry. {qq more Saji}
{I’m dumb and can’t parse these next two sentences, but it’s basically saying that SOMETHING happens to Revive during the particle spam too}
The name of the person making the transmission and their voice differ, who is it? Nena attacks in anger? Wang doesn’t respond for some reason?
Regene and Ribbons confront each other, Ribbons is angry and Tieria who is beginning to take control… {I think}
{here’s the line that might be implying that Hong Long is an Innovator, I think the interpretation might be a bit off in that area (the original spoiler line doesn’t say Hong Long’s name at all or make a muddled reference to him, it does use the word “oniisama” though, which I see how that could be Hong Long, buut given the content I’m inclined to think otherwise); I’m just going to paraphrase, basically I think it’s saying that when Nena attacks, for the first time she utilizes her Innovator-like abilities}
Boobless Anew (don’t mind☆) appears piloting the new machine, at least I can kill {him/her?} with my own hands.
Anew shields Revive from Lyle’s attack and dies. She tells him that she loves him over the com.
The report in episode 21 is a trap. Tieria’s head goes AAAAAAAHaaaaAAAAAnn, the link impairs him.
In episode 22 they declare their intentions. Both enemies and allies are reenforced. They receive {some kind of} news from Kati.
{I dunno, something about a song in the last episode, sorry my attention is waning since these are the last few lines and most of anything brick-shitting worth is up there ^}
The person who realizes 00’s secret is captured. Everyone dies. {I dunno about this last line}
Batch #1 Second batch of spoilers from today:
[EDIT] Alright, since I’m still mulling over spoiler guy’s responses, here’s a rundown of the questions asked since they’re decidedly more coherent (I’m skipping things directed at him personally, or that I’m pretty sure are about him).
[EDIT] Okay, editing in responses as I go. They’re mostly going to be paraphrased/sad attempts at interpreting crazy spoiler guy’s style of writing.
- What will happen to Marina?
He seems to imply that she’s going to start doing big things from now on, and it appears to involve singing. And I think he’s getting at her starting to act like a proper heroine now.
- Is Andrei gonna die?
He’ll survive for now. And I think he’s saying something about how he’ll have a runin with Saji and Louise. (literally this one’s something like “with the magic cloak of invisibility of the fallen bullet, unexpectedly visits the misunderstood couple”) And something about returning what he’s captured? I dunno.
- Why do you talk like a crazy person? {okay, I said I’d leave these out but, that was too funny}
{not actually translating his response, it’s crazier than usual, but the jist is to hide his identity}
- It looks like the anime magazines were hinting at Billy and Graham dying or leaving and that sort of thing…
Billy prevents Graham from comitting seppuku. {he continues with something additional here, I’m not really following though}
- Something about Lyle {sorry, this one’s either in heavy slang or code too so I’m not quite sure}
{And here is where I start to wonder if “adult guerrilla” is Graham} Something like he gets sliced up by “iron’s levetation-gattai” {I forget who/what “iron” is, sorry, I’ll figure it out eventually} Assuming “adult guerrilla” is in fact Graham, he seems to imply that they get into a fight. And then something about understanding the mistake of revenge and letting Graham get away? I dunno. {this one’s sad because the first half of the sentence is totally coherent, but the rest isn’t}
- Is it true that Anew and Lasse will be struck (i.e. be killed, usually)?
I think he starts by saying he answered part of this last time {Anew, he’s mentioned that she’ll die several times before} Something about Lasse and Desu {I think} running around without weapons? But while they’re together Lasse, thinking quickly, grabs Desu when Anew appears. And she leaves them alone? {sorry, I’m still not very good at deciphering this stuff, kinda sounds like Anew gets turned on and starts wrecking shit on the ship to me}
- How about [something about] Saji and Louise?
I’m really lost on this one, something about brainwashing, medicine, “sucessfully wedging into one’s heart” and going home.
- What’s the implication of Marina’s song being on the radio? {durr, I dunno-I’m sorry, but isn’t that a stupid question?}
No idea, doesn’t look like he said anything useful.
Here he just starts throwing stuff out on his own. Says something about Wang dying again. Sounds like Bushido will be involved in the next A-LAWs attack (sounds like he’s heading the assult, but I don’t think he can mean the one coming at them at the end of 18 because… he wasn’t there as I recall). Something about Revive (not sure what to make of most of this one). Something about Lasse or maybe Setsuna, sounds like it’s talking about the GN-AIDS progression (not really sure what he’s getting at about it though).
- Another Marina question
I kinda think this question was asking which “princess” he was talking about earlier, and he just clarifies that it’s Marina, calling her the useless one and making something that is probably a Macross joke “that girl’s certain kill universe sound wave is still coming!”
- Since when has Regene started to act? From when will Regene begin to act?
His “adult awakening” is a main point. If/When he sees A-LAWS {I think “gold rush” is A-LAWS, though earlier it was “gold saint” I dunno} with his own eyes, we’ll see his true character.
- So, how will they retake Veda?
I think he says that they weasel in through via some kind of incompatibility issue? I dunno, sorry.
- Is Setsuna becoming like Louise?
This reads a lot like the Regene answer, it’s like 90% the same words. I don’t know what to make of either of them now.
- What will become of Anew?
I have no idea what the fuck he said. It doesn’t look terribly relevant for what that’s worth.
- 00’s been sucking lately, relay that to Mizushima! {lol}
And now back to trying to decipher crazy guy’s spoilers :D
Batch #2 Again, please keep in mind what Good Haro had to say about the translation, ok?
Good Haro's blog