Found some pictures of the extra stuff that comes with the 2nd Season DVD & Blu-Ray disc.
Firstly, here's a Kouga Yun pic of the Meisters on the beach from 1st season's 2nd ED (Friends). Think this comes with the Blu-Ray Disc 7 (
this one).Would love to find a high-res pic of this. Setsuna waiting expectantly for Lockon to cut his hair, while Allelujah and Tieria are probably planning to make a fruit salad (or Alle's probably going to ferment the grapes to make some wine). XD
Some other character illustrations. I think these would be from the Second Season DVD. Not too sure if these are some limited edition goodies. ^^; Can anyone confirm? Tieria in a pink kimono (awww) and Setsuna in a dark blue yukata school uniform. Darn it, I wish I had a better pic of this. >w<
Also some random merchandise on
Animate. Charm bracelets, with a bromide card of the Meisters dressed up nicely and holding roses.
Hehe, the Meisters and their roses look like contestants for some kind of "Bachelor" reality show. XD The artwork isn't the best that we've seen, but it's still quite nice.