It seems that I have happened upon an egg. I must admit i am curious as to what kind of animal has been laying these eggs around Ergihz, because i know i am not the only one with one of things. It is relatively small, so i am not to concerned with what will hatch. I have put a link with a picture in case any of you can identify this egg. Also, i have incubated it in a box with some towels, and a heat lamp in the corner of the room.
I will admit that i did not retrieve the egg under normal conditions. There was a sandstorm rageing... outside. I checked the blog to see what could have caused the situation, and that also explained why my room was changeing in temperature so often.
We are almost caught up in class. Please excuse my bandages and bruises that i have had for the past two days. I shuld be back to complete health by thursday. Tomorrow will be the last intense day of class, then we shall return to our regular schedule.
I'm worried. I don't know what i've gotten myself into, and i don't know how to escape this...