(no subject)

Feb 15, 2021 19:25

its snowed man. austin, texas is fucked up. my brother, mapes, jacob, and i went by convict hill and hit cars with snow balls. some lady saw us doing it when she drove by and slwed down and gave us a bad look. and when she starting going again my brother threw one at her. she turned around and we ran away and she called us fuckers. this other guy got out of his car and chased after us. and some lady circled around the street looking for us. someone called the cops and they circled a few times until they left. then we hit some guy in a truck and he left for a while but he came back and caught us. he was a redneck and asked us if it would be funny if we hit his window and broke it and he crashed. my brother was tempted to say yes. the guy was a jackass. he said. "i'm a cop. so i might just call the cops." so we stopped. we started walking back to my house when my brother saw a snowman in someones yard so he ran over to it and takled it. and the guy that lived there came out and bitched at us. then we had a violent snowball fight with these guys. i woke up at 7 that morning and was out until 11. so i went inside and wached a movie but i fell asleep at the begining and woke up at the end and it pissed me off. so that was all of the snow day. then this morning i had to play at the motorola marathon. it was pretty cool but i'm really sore now because i was playing for 2 and a half hours. once we were done it was impossible to get out because of all the runners so we just hung around. some other band came after us (like a real band not some school band) and they were awsome. the drummer had a kick ass drum kit. and then we were going to go to the mini white house thing at the LBJ library but there was a 3 hour wait to we didnt go. so that was my weekend.

i'm thinking about getting a multi clamp and putting my first rack tom on my cymbal stand and putting my second rack tom where the first one used to be so i cam put my ride lower without taking away any toms. but who cares. well thats pretty much it. i got a picture of my brother throwing a snowball at a car maybe i'll put it on here. maybe later. bye
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