May 30, 2005 01:51
Kinda pissed right now. everyone i know went up to browns camp this weekend. by the time i was done with what i was doing and got a chance to call people they were all there and didnt have cellphone reception. really wish i knew were everyone was camping. also pissed that sandlake got shut down this weekend, or atleast shutdown to those of us with out some special pass. really wanted to go there on friday. in other news finally got the boat running. rebuilt the engine and even fixed some of the other problems. it dosent kick out of gear anymore which is a plus. i just want a bigger engine now then ill be happy. we had like 7 people in that thing. i think i was crusing at about 5 milles an hour at full throtle. that was fun. Then the engine died when darrel was "tweaking" it like 5 milles down river of the boat dock, that was REALLY fun. but i fixed it so its all good. kinda scattered thoughts but im tired so deal with it