The breed summary for
this weekend's CFA show has just been published!
There are only 12 Abys entered: 3 Kittens, 2 Opens in Championship, 3 Champions, 1 Grand Champion, 1 Open in Premiership (that's Gun-Hee!), 1 Premier and one Grand Premier.
Gun-Hee competes only against the other Abys at Open level; since he's the only one, he'll take a Winners ribbon in each ring. Then, they'll judge the premiers and grand-premiers are judged against themselves. After that they'll do best of colour(s) (I don't know if all the Abys will be the same colour as Gun-Hee, Ruddy, or if there are any Reds, Blues or Fawn; Gun-Hee only competes for best of colour with the other Ruddys) and then they choose best of breed from all of the which point he's competing against the other two Aby who have already earned their Premier- or Grand Premiership. He also picks the best Premier in each breed (which won't be Gun-Hee because he hasn't got 6 winners ribbons yet). Then the judge looks at all the other premiership cats. Then he picks the top 10 out of all the premiers entered in that ring (long- and shorthair since this is an allbreed show).
So that means that, unless he gets
disqualified again in every ring, he'll earn his premiership after this show. That will be nice. I've been grooming him a lot, removing the dead undercoat to reduce any greyness...hopefully, that will do the trick. His colour is really getting amazing; he looks like he's made of burnished copper.
I'm pretty psyched, though: we're seeing two judges that we saw at
his first show. One of them, Norm Auspitz,
wrote the CFA's Abyssinian breed profile, so he's an "Aby-Friendly" judge. He didn't place Gun-Hee very highly the first time, so it'll be interesting to see how he does this time around. The other "repeat" judge is Paul Patton; he is the judge who
awarded Gun-Hee his first 2nd Best of Colour and 2nd Best of Breed. I'm interested to see what he thinks of Gun-Hee now that his colour is more developed. Historically, Gun-Hee has done well in his second trip to a judge's ring; he was judged by Marge Collier in his first and second shows. The first time, he didn't earn any ribbons, but the second time,
she named him her Best Kitten!
Tessie is going to the show, too, as a Household Pet. There are only 8 other HHPs entered, so I'm guessing they won't be doing a best of 10 format. She should do well, though, perhaps even better than she did in the last show, since this time she's done it before.