~Outside of Candy-Land~

Sep 23, 2004 03:38

The meme answers I got disturbed me more then I would like to admit.    I know everyone thinks that I am a a silly scatter brained, and perhaps I am.  But I have feelings, I know that I have feelings, because if I didn't.. well I know my feelings get me into trouble most of the time... and I'd be alot less.. troublesome if I didn't have feelings.

You know, I've had to re-evaluate the relationship I've had with Kiros Seagill.  He's my best friend.  He and Ward understand me more then anyone else.  And yet, I've found myself going to Kiros more then Ward.  Ward, well he'll spare my feelings most of the time.  Kiros.. Kiros doesn't do that.  He's the slap of cold water that I need sometimes to give myself direction.  Heh, funny how I should admit that to myself.  Dare I'll never admit it to him.

But yes I've had to ask myself this question a few times.. however it's somehow more pronounced now then ever.

Kiros is still a very attractive man, he's polite, he's gentlemanly, he can exhibit bouts of caring when he's not being a major grumpy-head.

What's he doing sticking around with me still?  Why doesn't he -have- anyone.

I would hate to think that he's sticking with me out of so strict a sense of duty that he refuses to go out and have fun, meet girls or guys.. whichever he prefers.  I don't want to think that I am preventing him from having a life. *sighs* Ah.. it's so confusing.

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