Sep 06, 2006 18:03
starting skating again : ]
and after i skated i was hanging out at a friends house and we were looking for something to do and the owner of the house like walks off with this random girl i never seen b4 into his house and i was like hmmm weird. and my friend goes inside to see whats up? turns out there doing coke : /.
it bum me out that my "old best friend" is nothing but a liar,fake,druggie.
he ll never stop doing drugs
he ll never stop making me feel uncoomfortable
he ll never stop trying to be something hes not
he ll never CHANGE.
and all this makes me think about
maybe i should stop smoking weed
ive cut back so much
i dont feel like i need it like i use to.
when its there shit ill smoke it.
but now i could really care less
im happy just staying sober
or getting drunk : ]