Nov 13, 2004 00:38
This is a special entry, it is dedicated to a good friend.
It has been 5 years since I've met you..
to know you, it only took one day.
I made a new friend.
Each day forth, no matter what I felt,
sorrow, pain, happiness, joy...
Sweet smile of yours is all it took
to make my sorrow go away,
for my pain to seize,
new levels of happiness reached,
and creation of joy unequaled.
Today, I reaffirm it.
I continue to turn to you.
You are always there to listen.
I glance at the sky and I tell myself,
"That one, that one right there. That has to be you,
its the brightess star."
You've changed me, and now you've changed heaven...
its never looked so bright and beautiful.
With love and respect,
R.I.P Hanh Do