weekly update. :-p

Mar 11, 2009 21:40

 Well, last night Rob got an invitation to go to Tommy's to play DDR.  He had been drinking a Rum & Coke, so I drove even though I had a headache and I was like "the last thing I need is to go to Tommy's especially with DDR" (Tommy's can be loud especially if there's excited gaming going on.)

Turns out it was a delightful time.  The girls (Stephanie, Tabitha and myself) sat in the dining room playing Uno and Phase 10.  Tabby and Steph were drinking, and it was fun.  Matt, Tommy and Rob played DDR in the living room and that was fucking HILARIOUS.  I was sitting at a "just so" angle so I could see their faces while they were deep in concentration on the game.  beautiful.  Matt was drinking as well and he got really funny/talkative/apologetic when he was drinking so that was fun.  Overall I had the best night that I have in a long time.  A lot of laughs and a lot of fun.  We haven't really gotten out in a while it seems.

Then of course today was my day off.  Slept until close to noon.  It was beautiful.

Took Rob to work.  We got steak and shake for lunch.  Then I came home and tried to watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  That's the show Rob's been trying to get me into next but I just could not get into it for some reason.  I watched the first episode and about 10 minutes of the 2nd and it just irritated me.  The only part I liked was Willow.  Anything that Willow wasn't on the screen for sucked.  I kept thinking of other things that I wanted to do.

So I ordered some more henna for my hair.  My roots have gotten REALLY visible.  I need to do a better all over job next time 'cause the underside of my hair has started to look mousey.

It's strange, I never considered my hair a "mousey" colour until I started using henna.  I guess the color henna produces just is so pretty my natural color really pales compared to it.  I used to really like my natural hair color.  But I just don't like the way it looks compared to the henna dyed parts.  So I guess I'll continue to henna.

And I started toying with eReaders on the iPhone.  I've got one that you can get a lot of classics/public domain books for free, and you can really customize the page with changing the colors and stuff.  And then Amazon put out a Kindle for the iPhone.  Kindle book prices are a hell of a lot better than the other app's non-free book prices were.  The other app had like, for instance, The Davinci Code for like $15 where as on Kindle $6.39.

I still am not sure if I'm ready to go eBooks or not.  I haven't tried to read long enough on the iphone yet.  Just enough to toy with it and get an idea.  I have downloaded some free books on Stanza, and it came with 2 books to try it out.  And I found a bunch of free Kindle books.  So I don't even know if I'll like the books, but I downloaded them and will toy with it and see what I think.

Also, Spark People has a free iPhone app.  I went ahead and downloaded it 'cause, well, it was free.  And why not?  It has the food tracking, water tracking and exercise tracking.  Looks decent.  Don't know how much I'll use it, but it's there.

It's interesting, since I've been on metformin, I haven't had been getting quite as hungry it seems like...  Well depending on what I eat I suppose.  'cause usually by lunch I'm hungry, but I can usually hold out after lunch until dinner better than I used to be able to.  And like today we ate at a little before 2 and I didn't get hungry until about 8.

I finished all of the Twilight books a couple days ago.  Read the final book in like 2 days.  Basically all I asked for my birthday were books.  So that'll be nice, but it's still basically 2 months away.  So I guess I'll re-read some other things I have and see how this iphone app stuff works out.

Anyway, I guess that's about it.

days off, weight, books

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