In preparation for getting an iPhone tomorrow, I downloaded iTunes. Then because I didn't think to ask how easily it is to delete items from iTunes, decided to just go ahead and pull everything from my jumbled, unsorted, and generally messy music file that has been copied from hard drive to hard drive ever since Snow Camp (so Summer '05). A guy in Snow Camp gave me his iPod to borrow and take what I wanted off of it so I could have more variety of music. I honestly don't remember how it came up or why he did it. I had plenty on my computer as it was. But whatever. I took it and have still never gotten it completely cleaned out of the stuff I wasn't interested. I'd made some steps towards it, but never really sat down and did it.
I'm really weird about music and audio stuff. I don't like to play it when others are around unless I have headphones, and even then I don't like to use headphones when I'm around other people because I'd rather be able to hear anything that anyone has to say to me. So I can only listen to music and sort through that folder when Rob's not home. And when he's not home, I usually am just enjoying the peace and quiet that I don't think to work on that fucking folder.
So, I get iTunes all downloaded and ready and I was just going to pull over a few songs at a time, and still give myself time to go through that folder. But no, Rob said it's easier to just pull the whole folder. So, I do. And natrally, there's a shit ton of stuff that I will never listen to. So I start deleting and am all happy like "Wow this is really easy. It might not be so bad to sort through it this way." But no. The file still exists in the original folder. So now I've deleted a bunch of stuff on iTunes and don't necessarily remember what it was to then delete it in the original folder.
So then I start deleting from the original folder, but guess what? It doesn't delete from iTunes if you do it that way. So I'm sure I'll have a bunch of "broken" songs.
And then, after I finally resign myself to just have to sort through it and have both the folder and iTunes up sometime (when I have no idea) Rob says that I really shouldn't be using iTunes for anything other than syncing my phone up. WTF? Why bother using two different programs? I mean I don't have a problem with how iTunes plays (as far as I know). I just have a problem with if I want to delete something I have to delete it in two places instead of just one. I guess it doesn't really matter since as already stated I don't really listen to much music.
I kind of rashly deleted. I just started deleting stuff that either I didn't know what it was, or figured I'd probably never listen to it again. So I deleted everything that I had of Phantom of the Opera, Lord of the Rings, Garden State, Brigadoon... Rob backed up the Weird Al and They Might Be Giants folders and will sort through them because I said I was going to delete them since I didn't think I'd listen to them. But now I kind of wonder if I shouldn't have left like especially the LOTR stuff for if I ever want just instrumental.
Oh well. I guess if it comes down to it I can always download or buy stuff again. I just really don't listen to that much music. My "playlist" that Rob told me I should make because otherwise, the iPhone will pull everything (all 2gb that I had) has 78 songs. That's the majority of the songs that I usually listen to. There were some that I just didn't feel like adding but also didn't feel like deleting. But for the most part out of 2gb that I had I really only cared about 430.6mb
In other prep news, I made a word doc with all of the phone numbers I cared to keep. I doubt many of them I'll actually use, but it doesn't hurt to have them.
I also moved pretty much all of the pictures off my phone and onto my computer.
Even though I was frustrated with the miscommunication about iTunes, I am really looking forward to getting an iPhone tomorrow.
I've run into an interesting ... prediciment. A while ago, when Lauren was really frustrating me with constantly asking for advice and then when I gave her my honest opinion (just like she asked) she seemed to get mad or basically said I didn't know what I was talking about. So she and I quit talking for a while and I changed the preferences on my Meebo to "not accept IMs from anyone not on my budy list." Well Meebo's version of not accepting IM's is just putting a warning at the top of the message window saying "This person is not on your buddy list. Your privacy settings don't allow you to receive messages from this person. If you would like to, change your preferences or add this person to your contact list" or something like that. But this doesn't actally stop you from IMing them. If you do IM them it adds them to your contact list for you.
Well I had made an announcement that I was doing this privacy thing, not that anyone pays attention or anything. So all was well and good. I just would ignore anything that had that little peach banner at the top. Until a couple of days ago. Lauren has another new screen name. She keeps IMing me from that screen name and I just keep ignoring it.
This isn't because I don't want to talk with her. She and I actually started talking again recently a little (and yes, it's as frustrating as ever). this is because of my stand that I was making. I understand that she likes to change her screen name on a regular basis, but it's annoying. I'd like a little notice before I get an IM randomly from some screen name I don't recognize. Hence my changing my preferences. Well she keeps IMing me and "sounds" to be getting more and more frustrated at my lack of response.
I wasn't really sure what to do, so finally I decided to IM her at her old screen name and say "hey what's up, Merry Christmas" and that kind of stuff to give her the hint that that's the screen name I have for her. Well I guess it backfired 'cause she has her old screen name linked to some mobile device (her phone or something). So I guess she just thought that I wanted to talk, but she wasn't actually online with the new s/n so that's why I contacted her with her old one. no mention at all of the new screen name. And I wasn't going to mention that I knew it because I have a point to make. If Meebo's block worked the way I expected it to, I wouldn't know that she had another screen name.
So, I just don't know if I should acknowledge her new screen name and be like "look, quit fucking changing your damn screen name!" or if I should continue to ignore it and wait for her to say something on another screen name and say "Oh really? A new screen name? I have blocked any messages from any screen names not on my contact list. What's that new screen name so I can start getting your messages?"
blah. whatever.
I'm really excited about tomorrow. Hopefully I can get out of work at 11:30, come home, grab Rob and go. The presents are already in the trunk of my car. We'll go to Knoxville, get me a new phone, check into our room, head back to my parents' house and have "Christmas" then go back to the hotel and soak in the jacuzzi with my sweetie and then on Sunday go see Joanne and Eli!
Those 4 hours at work are going to DRAG BY! haha oh well.