Long hair is long

Oct 29, 2009 00:35

wtf that doesn't even look like me

I just realized that I have to revise my Spanish paper for tomorrow while I'm studying for my public relations exam tomorrow so naturally I'm not doing either at the moment. I've had two exams this week so far and I don't know why but I've felt burnt out since Tuesday even though I really shouldn't have felt that way at all. These two things aren't really helping but I'm not helping my cause either. I'm not sure why I always feel like I don't have to study as much as I think I need to and then when it comes time to take the exam, I regret not studying more. Sometimes studying just isn't effective for me, I don't know why I can't just retain school information well. I've never really been a good studier but whatever. I wish school came easier for me, but the fact of the matter is that it isn't and I'm lazy. I know, bad Asian, you bring dishonor to family, no moon cakes for you, etc.

I'm looking forward to spending this weekend away from school. chronicfreak and I are going to drive to visit out friend for Halloween, so that should be a nice reward for the week (assuming I deserve one). We're going as Brad and Taylor from The Rachel Zoe Project, which I'm sure nobody will understand but we don't want to dress up and this seemed like a totally awesome idea at the time when someone said they would be Rachel Zoe.


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