So as my first entry on livejournal, I am proud to say I am now a high school grad! How exciting, right?! It hasn't hit me yet after 5 days but it will once I get the college preparations done. I guess the ceremony was nice but I personally didn't want to be there, LOL. JUST MAIL MY DIPLOMA AND I'LL BE GOOD. Idk, being coped up in a hot gym for 2 hours didn't seem worth it to me. Anyways, My korean name is Seohyun but its not my legal names which I will not be sharing for safety. I was given the name Tae Ji at first but...who wants to be reminded of a pig? SO MY BEST FRIENDS FAMILY RE-NAMED ME AS SEOHYUN. I love Seohyun, btw (on a side note). I'm an Asian-American living in a big city and I can't wait to write more! What I'll mostly post about is KPOP, Taiwanese Dramas, and other personal posts so if that interests you, come back!
Left: My dad and I; Right: My friend and I.