Back from the weekend of super bff awesomeness aka me sucking up hardcore. Jackal and I went to the same bakery we used to go to when we were wee, that awesome burger place, the park (they got a whole new playground...uh bring back the ghetto swings please), and we went to Rikkai. Dude guys. You should see it. It's like a whole other fucking planet now. I have no words and I feel like I'm 80. That's pretty much it ;P
Saeki, I finished your scarf on the bus ride home. I'll drop it off when I come visit Akaya/Yanagi/Sanada to talk/get my candy and pretend to unpack/get my dog. Sanada, you better not have bitch slapped her.
Speaking of a scarf, I have a lonely one that wandered back to my door. It's going to stay there until someone picks it up.
When I came home today, I went and unpacked. Then I went and I sat in the middle of the floor in his room. I let myself be sad and remember everything and blah blah blah lame stuff. Then I got up, brushed my pj pants off, got one last look, and shut the door.
The baby's right. This is beyond ridiculous. It's time to move on.