Why Perci Shouldn't Drink and Pine

Mar 16, 2017 00:31

Title: Why Perci Shouldn't Drink and Pine
Fandom: Merlin (BBC)
Author: Kat
Rating: PG
Character(s): Percival, Gwaine
Pair(s): Percival/Gwaine
Genre: Humor
Warnings: None
Words: 282
Written for the prompt(s): tavern_tales: tattoos, piercings, markings (June 2016)
Beta: kiramaru7
Summary: The copious amount of booze coursing through Percival's system wasn't exactly the only reason for last night's error in judgment, but it was what finally prompted him to take action.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

The copious amount of booze coursing through Percival's system wasn't exactly the only reason for last night's error in judgment, but it was what finally prompted him to take action. His great affection for Gwaine was hardly a secret. All had seen the way the large man gravitated towards him. It was possible Gwaine didn't notice. He generally had other things to occupy his mind, like the girls that gravitated towards him and food. No one had known where Percival had run off to in the middle of the night. The last anyone had seen of him, was him yelling loud indecipherable praises and pointing at Gwaine in the middle of the tavern before he made his grand exit.

The next morning found Percival tucked into his bed, hungover with an aching backside. After many failed attempts at sitting, he finally mustered up the courage to actually ask someone to look and see what had happened to his ass. It somewhat surprisingly took several attempts to find someone actually willing to do so. Sheepishly, Percival dropped his breeches and great laughter ensued. Arthur, walking in on the commotion was the one to actually read what had been tattooed upon Percival's right butt cheek aloud, “Property of Sir Gwaine.” Upon hearing this, Gwaine marched his way forward to examine said backside. After several moments of consideration, he proclaimed, “I don't remember buying it, but I think I will be keeping it.” He then gave the other butt cheek a good slap and walked away.

Percival was not entirely sure if he was supposed to be embarrassed or delighted, but he did take it as a sign that perhaps he could possibly get laid.

Comments I received at tavern_tales:

"This made me laugh and I think Percival should go with delighted."

"This is adorable! And of course Gwaine is keeping it! XD YAY!! <3"

$challenge fic, c: gwaine (merlin), f: merlin (bbc), c: percival (merlin), @tavern_tales

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