Title: All for Him
Fandom: Hetalia
Author: Kat
Rating: Teen and Up
Character(s): Germany, Italy
Pair(s): Germany/Italy
Genre: Humor, Fluff
Warnings: None
Words: 117
Written for the prompt(s): May the Fourth (2016)
kiramaru7Summary: Germany knows exactly how he ended up like this.
A/N: For
kiramaru7Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Germany was still not entirely sure how he had ended up at the party dressed as slave-girl Leia. He could say he had lost a bet with Spain, which wasn't entirely untrue. He could also say he had been drunk when he agreed to it, which was also true. What he really wanted to do was blame his brother. In all fairness, Prussia was at least partially to blame for the bet and the drunkenness.
However, as he saw Italy bound up to him in his Hans Solo costume, he knew exactly why he was doing this and it was his own fault.
“Germany! You look amazing!”
All Germany could do was clear his throat and blush.