English Cooking

Mar 15, 2017 10:42

Title: English Cooking
Fandom: Supernatural (Changing Channels Style Hetalia Remix)
Author: Kat
Rating: PG 13
Character(s): Sam and Dean
Genre: Humor
Warnings: None
Words: 170
Claim: Simpson Buffet Table
Written for the prompt(s): spn_bigpretzel DEW: “Put Sam and Dean into a TV show/movie/advert of your choice” & Simpson Buffet Table: “Sweet, nourishing gruel!”
Summary: Sam and Dean find themselves in Hetalia.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Dean stared down at Sam, grinding his teeth. He looked more than a little odd in his plain brown suit with an apron over it and extra thick eyebrows. Sam didn't look any less ridiculous with his now blond flowing hair, open shirt, and tight pants. Not to mention that they were both now cartoons.

Sam stared at the bubbling, gelatinous mass in the bowl in front of him. He knew Dean's cooking. This was not that. He wasn't sure what this was.

“Just eat it,” Dean ground out.

“It's not food,” Sam's lazy, and horrible, french accent forced out.

“We have to play our parts, remember?” Dean was practically vibrating in annoyance.

“It'll kill me.”

“Look, in this show apparently I'm an English bastard who cooks toxic waste and you're a man whore, so let's get it over with so we can move on to the next one before I sic my unicorn on you!”

Sam looked up. “You have a unicorn?”


Comments I received at spn_bigpretzel:

"*DIES LAUGHING* Sam & Dean as France & England!! LOVE it, Kat!! :D"

"Don't worry, Sam--bad anime cooking never actually kills anyone. (They just usually wish it did...)

This was cute!"

"Is this Hetalia? Because it's one of those things I've always wanted to see, and if there are unicorns and bad cooking and manwhores I'm so there…"

$remix, #simpson's buffet table, f: spn, challenge: dew, #changing channels trope, @spn big pretzel, $challenge fic, c: sam (spn), c: dean (spn)

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