
Sep 17, 2007 00:31

Lauren and I just had SO much fun with this.

go to

login: nycareers
password: landmark

take the career choosing survey, and post your top ten results.

1. Film and TV Crew
2. Makeup artist
3. Cook
4. Special Effects Technician
5. Automotive Painter
6. Actor
7. Sign Maker
8. Jeweler
9. Cosmetologist
10. Hairstylist

I'm so impressed with how accurate it was with #1! I'm glad I'm not wasting my time as a TV-R major haha. As for #5 and #7, I'm not so sure. I continued the survey (on the right side of the page of results), and got this top three:

1. Director of Photography
2. Special Effects Technician
3. Magician

Again #1 is appropriate. And #3, obviously hilarious. And then one more time:

1. Foreign Language Instructor
2. Director of Photography
3. Special Effects Technician

#2 is, again, appropriate. Magician was bumped to #4 sad.

That was so incredibly fun. The jobs are so random!
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