Feb 16, 2006 22:38
You know what!? I love not being totally sick. I feel like I have all this energy. It makes me so twirly, whirly happy. I went to school today and I enjoyed it! I didn't trudge through the day like I did all last week and this week. I graded my stack of papers and then piled them one on top of the other one and laughed in victory...I finished them all...woohooo! And I finished planning for next week and then we have rodeo and four... well 2 days of utter freedom...hurray! I hope the weather will be nice. That would just top it all off. I can't wait 'til I get to sleep in without having to set my alarm...yay the simple pleasures in life! But for now I might as well sleep since I do have my alarm set for regular time tomorrow. 'Night to myself!