Oct 19, 2007 09:25

Okay so I'm getting REALLY lazy in my posting! Anyways, I ended up doing the full day interview and testing for the ECC and found out in the final interview for the day that...I GOT IN! YAYNESS! I was so stressed out the night before - and mostly during the day - but somehow I managed to scrape through the insanely hard grammar test seriously, who uses the term prepositional phrase??? .

There were about 13 of us there, and we all thought we'd failed the test, however only two people actually didn't make it through, so obviously we're smarter than we thought XD. Then we had to pretend to teach a class of children ie the other interviewees a particular topic, and I got weather OMG the tune is still running through my head even after a month! WTF?? Obviously my jingle was a little too effective >< .

I (and probably everyone else) felt like SUCH an idiot XD! But it was a lot of fun. Then it was the final interview, and the lady just said to me, how do you think you went? Well, you're in. XDDD. I was in slight shock for the next half an hour XDD.

The hardest part of the whole thing was waiting for zuish to find out if she got in. She didn't find out in her interview, but about five minutes AFTER we left for the day, AND they're actually going to place us together! YAYAYAYAYAY! So looks like instead of Tokyo, we'll be in the Osaka/Kyoto region, which I have absolutely no problems with at all.

The whole thing was really surreal...and it's only just started kicking in that I'm ACTUALLY going because last week I went and picked up my first lot of yen (so pretty! ^^). Atm though I have to wait in anticipation for the recruitment officer to contact us and let us know when we're actually going to be going over there. I'm hoping mid-to-late January.

Anyways, on to sad news...ozzypoos is leaving in five weeks for three months and I'm not sure if I'll get a chance to see her before I go to Japan, and then next year she's leaving for Canada for a year! So it'll be about 18 months till I get to see her again *sobs*. Oh well, there's always internet!

Let's see, what else....I'm totally loving roleplaying Ami Mizuno in damned, and I'm really tempted to take up another character in December. Will have to see how it all goes.

Work's been the usual - mundane. But seeing what's happening on the other side means I'm quite happy to stay where I am until I go to Japan ^^ .

Oh and it's zuish's birthday on Sunday! YAY! She's throwing a Halloween party at our house tomorrow night and I'm really looking forward to it! I'll be dressing up as a ghost (and no, not the sheet over the head kind either!) and I'll have a knife sticking out of my back ^^ . Should be a lot of fun!

japan, halloween, damned

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