Mostly For Me, But I'll Share

Aug 18, 2009 15:20

Well, the J2/SPN Big Bang is finally over and what a year it was!  I have to give massive props to the writers and the mods for such a great year.  It was hard to see it end.  I've been terribly wrapped up in all the wonderful stories they put up.  I have to say, on the whole the J2 section took the cake for me.  Of course, it was the largest section written in as well, but wow!  These writers put some real heart and soul into their entries and it showed.  There is a certain irony that I never touched RPS until last year's BB and now it has controlled my life for the last two months... lol

Anyway, 17 of the18 fics below are under the SPN BB 09 tag in my Memories, the last has the outside link.  I definitely didn't want to lose any of these and will probably be re-reading a chunk of them soon.  I'll probably be making another list as well in a different entry (but not in my Memories) that were good reads and worth the recognition.  Of course, anyone can make their own choices and that's why I included the link to the Master List below

Under the cut are those I considered to be my top 5 and others that gripped me so hard I had to crawl out of the fics themselves.  Feel free to agree or not, but I'm putting them out there anyway!

BTW You know that excited feeling you get down in your gut when you're excited?  That's what happens to me when I look at the stories on this list.

The J2/SPN Big Bang 09 Recs Are...

The Best of the Best SPN Side:

The Incestuous Courtship of the Antichrist's Bride - fleshflutter

My all time pick for the whole damned thing.  The author says it's crack and it is, but more of the addictive rather than sidewalk kind.  The characters are great with both angels and demons on the Winchester side.  The angels are Batman, the demons are anyone they want and all  are aimed at a nicer, gentler Apocalypse.  Awesome, awesome read!

Relative Gold - ddayspring (I link because I care and it's not on livejournal)

Wait for it... It's not slash!  It's in the Gen Section.   The Winchesters are separated in their usual tragic fashion only to be brought back together by the Olympics of all things.  The whole thing is vivid and visceral with emotions that head straight to your gut.  A hugely recommended read.

Best of the Best J2 Side:

A Devil to Help Me Get Things Right - doodle_writes

What would you do if you woke up in a hospital and found out that you were 19 again?  Well, in your head you're 19.  Jensen wakes up with Retrograde Amnesia that takes him back to where he was... before he screwed everything up.  He has to deal with his unknown past while moving into the future.

Counting the Steps To the Door Of Your Heart - annella

This fic found a home in the geek in me.  The Dalek costume got me to read the story.  Doesn't that say it all? lol

Tell Them We're Like Magnets - mournthewicked

Possibly the last book in the "Reinventing Love" verse.  From highschool to college - the side characters as much as Jared and Jensen made this story for me.  Nothing should be missed in the whole entire series and there's a link to it in the Master Post.

Other Excellent Reads:

A Haven In A Heartless World - xela_fic (SPN)

Everything for Sam and Dean is delayed by four years, but what a difference that makes!

Apocalypse - Cancelled - jeyhawk (J2)

This isn't a happy go luck fic.  It's an end of the world fic with a happy ending and a surprise that made me grin like a lunatic.

Here's Fragging You Kid - purequicksilver (J2)

I am not a gamer by any stretch of the imagination, in fact the last game (and only) I beat was Contra for the Nintendo.  This connects you to the world of the professional gamer but makes it easy to read.  Go team Padackles!

In This Time And Place - katiebugs18 (SPN)

Okay, this one had me in tears for a little bit.  The author has an amazing sense of history (which makes sense since she's a historian) which bleeds into every word of the story.  Not a happy story , but rather an immensely satisfying one.

Life In A Cubicle: A Guide To Dating A Co-Worker - villageidiot (J2)

The only thing that saved my computer from various spit takes was the fact that I wasn't drinking anything.  The whole cast left me rolling with sly, not-so-sly, and out right humor that made my day!

Live & On Stage - allamboy (J2)

Ah, the Disney machine at work again.  I started this one out of determination which quickly morphed into delight.  The twink fangirls made me die.  I think I know these girls...

Neon Showman - atimi (J2)

Chad Michael Murray is a warning in the J2 world and rightly so.  Love him or hate him he's the driving force behind this fic and I loved it.

Next Man Up - rhythmsextion (J2)

The Dallas Cowboys are akin to Satan in my football world, and I hate football so that's saying something.  However, I will recommend this fic with fervor and enthusiasm.  What does that say?

QueensGuard - aramuin (J2)

I loves me some dragons!  One dragon in particular in this story.  I'm off to re-read this one as soon as I'm done here.

Seeing Daylight (and it's prequel Into His Hand) - drvsilla (J2)

Oh holy crap, I never thought I'd be reading a PBR (Professional Bull Riding) fic.  However like the other sports fics I quickly found myself drawn in and loving it.  Read the prequel first, it's worth the ride, if you'll pardon the pun.

The Hapless Soldier's Sigh - bad_peppermint (SPN)

Well. the author got the creepy, stuck with the creepy, and oh, did I mention the creepy?  It's a Weechester! Fic that's John centric with amazing results. *shivers*

We Were Here - justthismorning (J2)

Get your tissues out.  This ones a hardcore heart jerker.  My only explanation is that sometimes lifes not happy, but that's how it is.

With You Under A Cold Bright Sky - arabia764 (J2)

One thing is all it takes to send two lives spiraling in a direction they never thought it would take, but it will be alright.  Power in spades for this fic.

fic recs

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