
May 20, 2009 20:04

How many of you have kids?  Twisted, you're not allowed to answer this.  I KNOW you do, and they're adorable, shut up.  Well, I have a beautiful baby boy at home.  Usually, usually he's a sweet, adorable bundle.  He's learned how to flirt recently and that just ups the cute factor!  Yes, I'm a doting mommy and unashamed of that fact.

Today was a landmark day.  We went into town for the first time since his birth with the intention of staying for a few hours.  Okay, there was a little more to that.  Mommy- In-Law had to have hand surgery and she couldn't drive afterward due to anesthesia, and there was work before that hence the hours in town.  Plus, she works in a mall so at least there was the possibility of entertainment.  We got up and ready to go by (god, kill me now) 7:20 am.  All good so far?  Yep!  Made it into town with minimal whining.  What?  I hate traffic.  Anyway, we get to the mall and I expect to have to entertain myself and the baby.  Can't be all that different from the house, right?  Right?!

Babies, I am informed, develop a schedule, and this has proven true thus far.  Why did I forget that moving to a new environment changes all that?  Because I have a blind spot the size of a small school bus?  First nap is ignored so we walk.  And walk.  No dice.  Well, we are in a mall and I want to visit Hot Topic.  It's a fun store and a place I considered avoiding due to the music volume.  Screw that, I have a screaming baby that I am trying to entertain.  They were playing David Bowie's Golden Years.  He dropped right off.

David Bowie is now my god.

Then, miracle of miracles, I find out that Twisted is in town!  Yeehaw!  Partner In Crime, come on down!  She brought the kids, which I will re-name Baby Entertainers 1 & 2, and when my little one awoke (from a hellishly short nap) they were there to keep him entertained.  Thus they were entertained, see that neat little circle?  So the Mall Experience wasn't too bad.  Oh, and my son gave Twisted a hickey. *guffaws*

Well, then it's surgery time.  Projected time? An hour and a half, which doesn't sound too bad.  Did I mention that my son hates car travel?  It's not something I plan on forgetting.  We have a screaming baby by the time we pull up.  Okay, maybe he's hungry, and he was so, that problem down.  He is surrounded by people who think he's the cutest thing since sliced bread.  Massive flirting urges sated?  Check!  What am I forgetting?  Oh yeah, the enormous lack of naptime.  This, for the uneducated, means one cranky little man, and one growing, throbbing headache for mommy.  I still got a compliment for my awe inspiring mommy skillz and the good baby.  Hah, take that Dr. Spock!

Remember the projected hour and a half surgery time?  Yeah, not so much.  It turned out to be 3 1/2 hours in that waiting room total, but he was asleep when we left!  Woohoo!  Peace and quiet until we get home.  I live over an hour away from this place with traffic, and it was rush hour.  Which the baby woke up in, and proceeded to scream...  All the way home.

May I present:

I just got him to sleep for the night, my head is in a vice grip and he deserves this!   I blame Twisted.  She made me think it was funny and precious with her evil Jedi mind tricks.  Okay, it's still the beat outfit ever, but I'm going to die now.  I just better get some sleep first.  Oh, and I picked up the Tokio Hotel album.  Hee!

baby love

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