For No Particular Reason

Apr 09, 2009 01:02

I need to explain something.  I love men.  I love hot men and I love hot cars.  Anything fast will do, but if you really want respect get a decent muscle car from the right era, give her some TLC and give the power a boost.  Oh, I got goosebumps.  Really, really love to hear the engine purr, it's the most sexual thing a non animate thing has.  My dream car?  That would be a 1963 Chevy Stingray, oh yeah.

As for the men?  Well, I don't need them to make me purr personally.  No, I want them to do that to each other.  If this opinion comes as a surprise to you then why are you reading my journal?  Regardless,  I was watching Fast and the Furious tonight (in anticipation of seeing the next film), and once again I am struck buy how hot the thought of Dom/Brian is.  They have a body chemistry that screams hot, sweaty man-sex.  No romance, hearts and flowers for these guys it's fucking and loyalty with the love that is never mentioned if they feel it at all.  No crying, no twinks, just sex and suppressed emotions.

Although I gotta say, there is a surprising amount of discussion between men.  Tap dance around that jealousy issue men!  I can hear the subtext now:

Vince: Dom's my brooding romantic older brother type figure!

Brian: Yeah?  Well since he fucked my brains out last night I think I have a claim.

V: No, I've had him since the third grade.

B: Blow jobs beat school years and I'm damned good at what I do. *smirk*

Letty: Whatever, you know Dom's with me.

V&B: That's what you think.

Dom: Sneaks Walks stealthily stoically to his getaway car.  He needs to escape without notice get away to think about the future of his team.  He sees three cars waiting for his vehicle to move and wipes the nervous sweat, and sighs. It looks like he's going to have to run like hell increase his speed a tad above legal to flee the screaming harpies before they gang up on him be alone with his thoughts.


I don't care if I have to kidnap a babysitter, I am going to see this movie!

bright shiny

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