Filling this in killed an hour of my time - there is a sneak preview of the fic I'm not allowed to write yet at the bottom of this entry
What's the last thing you wrote?
Chapter 9 of 'Cutie...' - it's nearly ready
The last thing I updated was under my other name so not saying.
Is it any good?
It's mostly infill but a needed chapter before the angst starts.
What's the first thing you ever wrote that you still have?
My disertation - I threw everything I wrote as a teenager away.
'Hey Rob...' is the oldest thing I now have.
Was it any good?
Some crazy people seem to think so - I'm itching to start new things.
Write poetry?
sort of - none of my poems rhyme and are more like short stories
Angsty poetry?
Favourite genre of writing?
I like writing comedies - but they always work best if you add some angst.
A story needs balance.
Most fun character you ever wrote?
I like writing Mike in 'Hey Rob...' he's so blonde at times he should model for nice'n'easy.
Most annoying character you ever wrote?
Brad - I can never find anything interesting for him to do.
Best plot you ever wrote?
Not written it yet.
Coolest plot twist you ever wrote?
'Cutie...' when Rob asked Mike "Enjoy the show?" after he'd just made him listen whilst he was fucked by Chester - no one saw evil Rob coming!
How often do you get writer's block?
I don't get writers block so much as I get too many ideas and can't write them all down.
I'll be writing 1 story and get inspiration to start something new.
How do you fix it?
I forbid myself from writing something new until I've completed 1 story
Write fan fiction?
Do you type or write by hand?
Mostly type, but if I'm at work or on a train I write and type up later.
Do you save everything you write?
I try to - someone usually has a copy of something I'm working on if for some reason I lose it.
Do you ever go back to an old idea long after you abandoned it?
Not really, once I've decided it won't work.
What's your favourite thing that you've written?
'Hey Rob...' but only because it was my first attempt at fanfics - I've not posted my favorite fic yet. (see end).
What's everyone else's favourite thing that you've written?
'Hey Rob...' although I wish more people read my other story it's got better grammar.
Do you even show people your work?
I have people read things before I post them on the website.
Who's your favourite constructive critic?
I'd like to get more before I can judge.
I like how Red gives it to others.
Do you have a web site for your writing?
Did you ever write a novel?
I've not finished one.
Have you ever written fantasy, sci-fi, or horror?
Yes, a long time ago.
Ever written romance or teen angsty drama?
Yep - I need to get back into fantasy, sci-fi, or horror!!
What's your favourite setting for your characters?
I like kirstie's answer: In bed
What's one genre you've never written, and probably never will?
action & adventure
How many writing projects are you working on right now, grasshopper?
Two big ones
One that I've been itching to start but can't until 'Hey Rob..' is finished.
One that pops up whenever anything interesting happens in real life.
Things in my brain:
I have sinusitis so my brain is a little cloudy today.
Do you want to write for a living?
I want to study earthquakes and write for fun.
Have you ever written something for a magazine or newspaper?
Have you ever won an award for your writing?
I got 2nd place in a writing competition at school when I was 12.
Ever written something in script or play format?
Never intentionally, but my stories are very dialogue heavy so work as scripts
What are your five favourite words?
Fuckitycrap, sweetie-pie, Ooo! nipples & strawberry
Do you ever parody?
What's your favourite thing to parody?
fanfiction - i'm still waiting for people to notice.
Do you actually like that thing, or are you spitefully making fun of it?
I love it.
Do you ever write based on yourself?
There's something of my life in all of my stories.
What character that you've written most resembles yourself?
Mike in 'Hey Rob...' is most like me.
Where do you get ideas for your other characters?
They are usually people I know or stolen from the TV.
Do you ever write based on your dreams?
I don't dream
Do you favor happy endings, sad endings, or cliff-hangers?
Happy endings, but I cry at those too.
Have you ever written based on a work of art that you've seen?
never art.
Songs, movies, TVshows - but never art.
Are you concerned with spelling and grammar as you write?
I am now
Ever write something entirely in chatspeak (how r u)?
Entirely in 1337?
Was that question completely appalling and un-writer like?
Does music help you write?
I get inspiration from music but I can't listen to it whilst writing - I need silence.
Do you have a weblog or livejournal?
Are people surprised and confused when they find out you write well?
I don't let real people read.
Quote something you've written.
This is the prologue to my new story:
'A Sign From My Guides'
I can never decide on where I should start when telling a story…and before anyone gets all clever and says the beginning, it’s never really that simple. The beginning changes depending on where you fit into the story; for some it was a few months before I became aware and to others the story was known before anything even happened…or at least they knew how things were supposed to be. I think I’ll start this story at my beginning, which was actually the end, but a beginning of sorts from a funny point of view.
The Beginning/End…Waking up
I woke up in my chair…I guess you could call it waking up, that’s what it felt like anyway - slightly disorientated due to having no memory of falling asleep there but perfectly calm and relaxed, like being awoken naturally from a pleasant dream.
Dark and quiet, that was my first thought when I became aware of where I was. Normally, Mike left a light on for me when he’d go to bed and leave me to watch TV alone, not that the TV was even on or he would have switched it off and left me there sleeping. It puzzled me how I even came to be sat there in the first place, but I’d had flu recently and through fever and doped up on meds my memory had been a little patchy…at least I though that’s what it was.
I rose from my chair and made my way through the quiet house to the bedroom. He lay asleep, curled up in a ball, above the covers. I walked to my side of the bed and softly ran my fingers across Mike’s wet cheek.
‘Yes baby?’
He let out a quiet sob and clutched the pillow he held a little tighter. Still asleep he murmured my name again and loosened his grip on my pillow. I lay down beside him and watched him sleep, trying to recall if we’d argued, was that why he’d gone to bed alone? And why the hell would I have let him considering he was wearing the suit I always loved removing.
Daylight came too quickly and I realized I’d not slept at all. I wasn’t tired, I just wanted to comfort my lover when he moaned and wept in a restless sleep. As the light filled the room I noticed Mike’s face was pale and thought maybe he too had caught the flu. His eyes even when sleeping looked tired, with dark circles stretching down into his reddened cheeks.
Within an hour of the sun rising noises began to stir within the house and Brad’s voice was herd telling Max (the dog) to stop jumping. However out of the ordinary it was to hear Brad not only in the house and before noon, I remained with Mike - I didn’t know why, I just felt it was where I needed to be. I could hear the TV playing quietly downstairs and other familiar voices talking too quietly for me to catch what they were saying yet I continued to stroke Mike’s face and watch him sleep. I can’t say I wasn’t curious why people were in the house, but it didn’t strike me that anything was wrong.
Everything suddenly became quieter, the sounds from downstairs vanished along with all the confusing thoughts I had, until I was just left with the simple yearning to heal Mike’s pain. That’s when I felt someone watching and turned my eyes to the door. In the doorframe stood Rob, a single tear slowly working down his face that he soon brushed away.
“Let him sleep.” Although it just been a whisper it felt like Brad had screamed those words, startling both Rob and I, and bringing back the other sounds from within the house.
“I ju-”
“I know.” Brad said cutting off the drummer as he began to cry and led him back downstairs.
My confusion returned, I still wanted to comfort Mike, but I also wondered why there was so much sadness in the house.
Why did it sound like the entire band was in the living room?
Were we having a meeting?
I couldn’t even recall what day it was. I sat up to see the clock and was surprised that it was now 2pm. Thinking that I’d fallen asleep, I slowly got up and walked towards the window. Max was running around the back yard, whilst Brad sat on the bench smoking and talking on his cell phone. He ended his call and threw the cigarette on the ground.
He’s lucky Mike didn’t see that I chuckled thinking of how annoyed Mike got every time I failed to use an ashtray left cigarette butts on the floor. I watched Brad rub his face, then rest his head in his hands. His shoulders shook and he cried openly and loudly, yet no one went to comfort him. Everything went quiet again Brad needs to be alone and let it out. Is Mike hungry?
I turned back to the bed and to my surprise it was empty. I hadn’t heard Mike get up and it confused me that he hadn’t spoken.
“I’m not hungry.”
I followed Mike’s voice and was descending the stairs when I heard Rob answer “you have to eat.”
“Would you stop treating me like a child?” Mike snapped as I entered the kitchen, I saw him glaring up at Rob and Joe from the kitchen table “it’s bad enough having my mother fussing over me everyday without you two doing it too.”
“We’re just trying to help.” Joe said quietly as Rob turned away and focussed on the soup that remained in the pan. I knew he was trying not to cry, not wanting to argue with Mike.
“I don’t need your help,” Mike snapped again “I need Che-”
His voice broke before he could finish his sentence, bringing his hands to cover his face, causing a folded piece of paper that had been under his hands on the table to fall to the floor.
“Why the fuck are you two just watching him cry?” Dave’s voice came quickly from behind as he rushed past me and towards Mike, sat beside him and pulled him into a hug.
“I’ll get some more tissues,” Joe said and quickly turned and ran into the lounge, narrowly missing me as he ran past
“Sorry,” Rob said a little slower “I’ll get him some water.”
I uselessly watched my love cry on Dave’s shoulder, feeling confused over how the hell a glass of water would help but at the same time it was all I could think of to help.
Rob put a glass of water on the table and Joe returned with a box of tissues as Brad re-entered the house, the draft from the door caused the paper that has fallen on the floor to blow across the kitchen and land near my feet. I reached down to pick it up, but read it before my hand could try and make contact.