Dec 23, 2006 15:49
I went running just now and got all hot and sweaty. So i'm sitting here in shorts and a tshirt. But the hotness wore off. So now I'm just cold and sweaty. Cold, wet, and sweaty. And my legs are twitching.
Other than that, not much is going on. I'm trying to plow through the music for orchestra and lessons and junk, but when I'm not under the gun, my motivation dies a little. And I know Jan term won't be as bad as fall was so I'm not even freaking about that. On a side note, I got my grades for fall term and ended up with a 3.92. So that means I can get like, a 2.1 for spring term and still not lose my scholarship. Though i really can't see myself letting that happen. I'm taking some decent classes next term--psych, sociology problems, medical ethics, survey of american lit 2, french (my last term of it!)--plus some music ensembles. And I think it'll be ok. If all goes according to plan, I should be able to finish out most of my GEPS by the end of fall 2007.
Additionally, I may be able to put on my resume that I was responsible for starting the converse intramural badminton team. I'm sure that'll be impressive to all future employers.
Finished my brother's gf's scarf. So i'm on my third one now, which is going to Elly for listening to me cry hysterically the night before I left for break. I hate how I do that. I honestly just let crap add on and on until one things sets me off and I pretty much die for an hour. But her scarf is turning out well, so that'll be due compensation.
My family is very happy that I've become so domesticated as to knit and do everyone's laundry and bake and crap. For reasons I can't explain, this makes me chuckle. Har de har har.
I totaled it last night and realized i've spent less than 70$ on EVERYONE's xmas presents all together this year. Considering I only had my last paycheck from the newspaper and a 50$ check I found in a graduation card, this is a good thing. Hell, I still have 10$ left over. Maybe I'll splurge it on some brand-name tampons. It is Christmas after all. Hot damn.
I'm going to go find something useless and mind-numbing on vh1. I really hope they run webJunk 40 again. That was like neurological novacaine.