How Many Catholic abuse cases will it take for the people to wake up to the truth? How many of Obama's lies will it take for the people to wake up and dump Obama?
Just what will it take for the American peoples to stand up and declare the US Goverment as a world crime syndicate,cartel or just an out of control mob of gangsters? To export killing machines as their only manufacturing base. To export hate and murder and Empire building as their sole production is not what the men died for in 1776, this country was opened as a land of the free but ever since the white men came to America they have killed off the Buffalo and the Indians, they have robbed the Indians and where they didn't rob them they slaughtered them and stole their gold and land. and from Andrew Jacksons administration up to the present this nation has been in a state of undeclared war. One president after another lying to become our national leader and contracting the nation out to corporations who will pay the most, they have sold this nation to China and have ran up a debt that is impossible ever to pay back. China is even lending more money back so that Washington can carry on with the war in Asia (Iraq, Afghanistan) and continue to support the 800 military installations throughout the world. This nation has been bankrupt for so long that the national debt is still adding up at ultrasonic speeds faster than all Americans working 24 hours a day will never be able to pay for the out of control continously upward spiraling debt.