*sigh* -_-x

Oct 09, 2006 15:52

AP homework is boring me to death sleep. Not good at all... ._. And independent reading..? Uh oh. Biology test on Wednesday - must study, sketches for Harmony art contest - must start... -_-; But my June calendar for art is coming quite nicely, and the NB assignment for English is done... Bleh.

Yesterday was the Annual Father/Daughter Picnic. Not much fun. Not much school work done. Not much anything but a waste of 4 hours and sleep. AND I kept sneezing from something and my nose was all blocked, stupid allergies. *sigh*

Now I must tackle this beautiful question: What factors contributed to the successes of the West in the age of discovery/encounter?
- the motives: "God, glory, gold"
- the means: new maps, enhanced ships, new sailing technology
- what else...? :-(
- Portuguese success based on "guns and seamanship"
- Columbus' persistence in his explorations
- the general determination of all the explorers and conquerers...?
- some things about economy?
I'm confused, but what the hell. *shrug* Something'll come to me.

And I haven't gone to school because it's a school holiday/Columbus Day. :D Thanks Columbus.

Aside from my complaining about my incompetence, there's not much else to be said.

Except...oh, yeah, yesterday's encore of Discovery Atlas: China Revealed. That was really good. Very pretty and quite informative (Shanghai is 9x the size of New York?! O_O), not to mention inspiring. I don't know. The way that the documentary was presented just gave me goosebumps - the ones you get when you watch something so inspiring/revolutionary/pretty it's almost unworldly. But yeah. It was a great way to spend time I should've spent on homework.

on screen, life, hw

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