Apr 01, 2008 18:03
Yes, I am alive. :D It's hard to believe that its already been six weeks since the last post. The main reason for my lack of updates is my tinkering with my laptop. I keep updating stuff and fixing things on this thing that I've had no time to post so GOMEN. -bows- So.... let me make a short recap... maybe not short... but a recap none the less of whats been happening so far.
For the last day of classes, I went out with my friends. We went to Shangrila mall and stayed there for quite a while. A couple of my friends slept over at the hotel but I wasn't allowed because my dad said there really isn't no parental supervision. My friends parents made the reservation and checked us in but they didn't stay the night. They said next time they'll be there para I'm allowed. :D The Lazaro's are nice people. After that, it's been tennis and golf. I play tennis three times a week and golf at least twice a week. I have about... two free days but thats okay. The strain on my hands and arms is a little hard to deal with after all. D:
Another friend of mine had a sleepover at her house and we basically just goofed off. A little bit of swimming, Wii, and good old staying up late and pigging out and yeah it was great. I had to leave absurdly early but thats alright. I'm happy I was able to go. :D Then more golf and tennis. You get the drill.
This week is my first free week. When I say that, I mean that I have no activities so far. Tennis has been postponed because the court I play at in being repaired or something. Golf is still on Friday because my coach is out of town. I was actually looking forward to Friday because I would be practicing to play with my cousins, uncles, dad and brother on Monday. However, it is apparently a holiday. Well, the holiday is April 9 but GMA moved it to Monday, according to my dad. I guess it's to extend the weekend. So, I can't play Monday sadly. "The Great Lim Face-off" (as my dad calls it) will be next next Monday. I'm probably going to be creamed but it's okay. I just wanna have fun (plus eat the great food we often indulge in after a round of golf)
I'm basically being bored to death. >o>
Last news is the Ozinefest on Saturday and Sunday :D I'm really looking forward to it. I'm going with the usual sempai-tachi and friends. I'm also bringing along one of my barkada mates. Hope you enjoy it Angel! :D Another one of my friends is going too. She's going to move to Canada at the end of the summer and told me she'd love to go cosplay at a con before she leaves. Of course, I agreed :D Now I'm going in costume. Yes, Yes I am. Haha, it's really funny that I'm going to go as a Jedi to an con mostly involved with anime. It's alright because I love STAR WARS. :P Best movies eveeeerrrr.
Anyway, my costume isn't done but hopefully it'll be ready soon. My friend plans to convert one of our old uniforms to a Emma Ai's uniform. While I'm not sure it is possible, I have faith it'll come out looking like the actually outfit... I hope.