Feb 14, 2009 20:00
got a drones line stuck in my head - i figure there are worse things to have stuck in my head.
We are looking at getting a hard disc recorder, and one which was recommended to us today was the TiVo. For some reason, I think when TiVo launched it only worked on Channel 7? That may be a lie, but thats what I heard.
Anyway, it can now record all channels, electronic programing guide, and blockbuster are starting to release downloadable movies through it as well, and you can activate it remotely (although you need a Yahoo account to do it), and it all works through WiFi. ANd of course, it does that thing where it can record stuff it thinks you will like (chances are, mine will record a lot of sport)
One of the other boxes we saw has a much bigger hard drive, and you can actually network it, and transfer movies to and from it. So we could basically point bittorrent to push stuff straight onto it, and the comp wouldnt need to be on to watch stuff. but its $300 more.
So, whats everyone's experience with hard disc recorders, and TiVos?