plop the ham thusly, please.

Apr 21, 2009 22:02

let's do a compliment sandwich for my day, shall we?

good thing: i got to take out one of the new trucks on my route today. the kind of truck that rumbles and roars and puts you a head above everyone else.

bad thing: i had to take said truck through the road from hell. if you could even call it that. where there was pavement the last time i was in town, construction had dug up everything. and then some. in order to get to the lawn i needed to do, i had to wave down the man in the dump truck. who relayed a message of me needing to get through, to the man in the mother-huge excavator in my way. who had to tell the guys working on the ground to move out of the way. who proceeded to swing his massive boom out of the way, creating an opening JUST big enough for the truck to get through. which, in order to get to, i needed to get across the make-shift path first. the path which was about a foot deep in mud from all the rain lately. which.... naturally... made the truck want to slide from side to side on its way through.... freaking me out because the truck is rather top-heavy from the tank in the truck bed. which made me even more nervous, considering that the road was JUST wide enough for me to make my way through, and sliding to the left put me close enough to a big hole to make me want to pee myself. and by hole, i mean the rest of the road was a straight fall to about 12 feet below. and with men in it. watching me. staring at me. STARING.

once i made it through and exhaled, it dawned on me that now.... i have to make it back through it all over again. and then i realised, that the people living on the end of the street here had to do this every time they left their house. i felt a little bit better when i watched the guy across the road have to ask the excavator operator to move just so he could back out of the driveway. that sucks.

and why, do you wonder, did i NEED to get this lawn done today? why couldn't it wait until after the road cleared up a bit? why, because as of tomorrow we're not permitted to use that particular insecticide in the province, of course! therefore, my boss felt we needed to squeeze this last one in.

and back to a good thing: once that ride was over, i got to go back to intimidating small cars around me. at least that's what happened in my mind. i somehow doubt a bright yellow and green truck is all that menacing to anyone..... but at least the tank does add a bit of bulk in my favour.   .......   right?

crabbiness, silver lining, making a living, wandering, ranting

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