Feb 28, 2004 10:40
Hey yos....
I dont know where I left off, but I was gonna go to my bff's Savannah's house in Huntington Beach this weekend but didn't because she's sick, so i'm sad and hopes my kitty feels better!
Ok so instead of sulking all night my dad took my to the boardwalk and i hung out with jamie, carly, spud and other people i dont really care about!.... "i was jus kidding!" LOL, and we baisically just sat there and did nothing. well we did pay for an hour of pool, but didn't exactly play, so oh well. We then sat in the diner thingy for like a half and hour and talked about numorous things that were lame, but nevertheless(that's my new word) i had fun.
here be spuderick's funniness
PoloPlayerSpud: im going to post about last night when i have a chance
BreakfastAtTonis: hahaha "last night"
PoloPlayerSpud: yeah that means " the day befoer this morning"
i feel so stupid when im the only one who laughs at his jokes or sayings, that happeneds with everyone but oh well, that's how nice i am, i laugh at everyones jokes and i actually mean it.
Anyways i got a B on my big english essay so now i have a B in the class!!!!!! im so happy!!!!! Yay!
Ooooh, can someone teach me how to do those link thingies you put in you entry and it takes you to another page, im to dumb to figure it out.
Ok then.... talk to you fools later
Au Revoir!