i LOVE stew

Feb 27, 2005 14:45

Alot of things have changed since I last updated on the 22nd. :) I started going out with Stew on Wednesday, for you people who didn't know.<33 I feel much happier, and everything seems alot better in life. I love you Stew!!
--This weekend was the greatest EVER!!
--Friday night=I went home with Ali from school, and we went to the movies with a BIG group of people from school. It was me, ali, stew, miles, austin g.,ashley m., ashley b., zak, dylan and some other people that I didn't really know. We went to go see Hitch. It was kind of confusing. We got in late because of the long lines so we missed the beginning, and we couldn't find a seat ANYWHERE. Thanks to the rest of the group we almost got kicked out. lol. It was alottttt of fun though because I got to be there with Stew.<3333 After the movies I went home with Ali, and she had Stephanie come over.
--Saturday was soo much fun!! The 3 of us woke up, and went to Cordova Park school to meet up with Stew. We rode around and went to some parks together. After a while we went to go get Bradley and Dylan, and we all went to different houses and parks. DYLAN AND BRADLEY Y'ALL ROCCCKKKK AT PLAYING THE GUITAR AND DRUMS! When it was 2 I had to go to Ali's to get picked up to leave. That sucked, but right before I left I called my dad and I got to stay for the whollleee day!! :) After my mom left ali, stephanie and me met up with the guys again. We went to cowboy park, and met up with jessica, mallory and jessie.<3 We had to leave that park because we were 'scarying the little kids'. LOL So we went to jessica's and cordova park's playground. haha boy that brought back some memories. :) Then around 5 we headed back to Ali's and started getting ready for the party. I had to borrow clothes, and run around the house trying to get ready. When it was 6:45 everyone left for the party but me, stew and jessica. Jessica was on the computer trying to get someone to go to the party, and stew and I were just sitting next to her talking. When all of a sudden Stew said he heard some noise that sounded like footsteps. We started freaking out. So stew and I checked the living room, other 'living room' and kitchen. We closed the other doors and were to scared to leave the house. So we carried sissors.(sp?) haha Then we finally decided to run out and go get the rest of the group. The 3 of us took Ali back and I started screaming like crazy and knocked down her screen door. Sorry ali!! Finally we decided that noone was in there lol and we went to the party. It was interesting, but I froze my butt off since it was rainy. :( The whole time I mainly just hung out with stew, mal and jessie. After the party I went home with Mallory & Jessie and we hung out for awhile. I got in a freakin fight with addie lol on the comp. and finally we just decided to go to bed.
--Sunday morning we hung out and jessica came home. So we talked and they sang lol. Then it was time for me to leave. So now I have been talking to stew and updating journals.:)
--Talk to you guys later. LOL This entry is reallly long! I <3 u!
<>bran bran<> (lol thanks ali and stew for giving me that freakin name again)
---___---___I LLLOOOVVVEEE STEW___---___--- <3 :-*
--trust me..i DO love YOU
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