the "Hey" game gets friendly?

Jun 14, 2010 20:54

Yesterday I was walking home from the Cabrini Festival thing, toting my farmers cheese pierogies (they were out of potato and cheese) I crossed Park and was about to cross Wick at that point since it's the only place between Cabrini and my house where the Wick traffic has a stop sign. A van was stopped at the intersection and I allowed them to go before me, since you know, pedestrians are slow and automobiles are not. Anyway, van full of boys passes me, and in the traditional annoying way of XY humans, they honk a few times and "hey" at me.  This is a slightly different experience from what I remember from walking home from high school though.  I look at the miscreants with my Halloween-perfected Vulcan blank face and raised eyebrow.  The driver and passenger of the car SMILE AND WAVE at me. Now I'm confused. Was I looking good? Are they assholes or not? What does this mean about the former times that I disregarded my supposed tormentors? Did people in highschool actually notice that I'm freakin' hott? This is like the time I found out that Kaleb Delfine was just a genuinely nice guy and not secretly making fun of me somehow when he talked to me (wow, I was a bitch to him). Maybe I shouldn't have been so bitter and cynical in highschool. Maybe that's the reason I never get/got approached by men. I have a death-glare attitude that scares the not creepy ones off.
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