Jan 30, 2006 19:20
What an experience it must be. I watched my friend have her baby today. It was incredible. To watch a her bring another human being into this world. It was such an amazing experience. Yes, there were the funny parts, and the bitchy parts (which make up the funny parts) and the emotional parts but all in all it was an amazing thing. I guess my favorite part would have to be when i heard the doctor say, "I can see her head" and i looked down at which point she yanked my arm then with a look that could kill said, "Hey, eye contact, were close, but were not that close" then went back to pushing. 5 lbs 9 oz. a beautiful little baby girl. 5 1/2 weeks earlier than expected but shes still pretty healthy. We didnt get to hold her right away b/c they took her to an incubator since she was having a little trouble breathing but im sure when i go back tomorrow i will be able to and ill try to get some good pics. The family that is adopting her already has a name picked out but i dont know what it is and i really wish i did. I kinda wanted the name to be emily but i dont really have a say in it. Well, i think i will go for now. I have her keys so i think i will try to get some flowers in here b4 she gets home. : )