Aug 15, 2010 18:42

I'm SO excited =D

I have a friend called Carina, who doesn't like Nino very much, but I'll tell her about it anyway. Because I obviously like annoying people. Yes, I know its Karina... but its all the same to me

Maybe its just me but I'm getting a little... erm overwhelmed (?) with all the Arashi music that's coming out. Single, album, single... Of course I'm happy to hear new songs from them, but if they spaced things out a bit maybe I'd get more excited everytime a new single got announced. Like when Love Rainbow news came, part of me was thinking '...another one?'. But then again, I'm a naturally slow person. So slow that I haven't even listened to all the songs on the album yet.

Why no posting? Formula 1 summer break, UMAT exam (but that was last month so I don't have an excuse anymore), and just the fact that NOTHING has happened so I have literally nothing to talk about so I thought I wouldn't bore everyone out with my lame posts.

Just one more thing (sorry). I MIGHT (note: BIG MIGHT) be going to Japan early next year! Originally, it was part of Schoolies/last-trip-together-with-school-friends coz I'll prob never see them again, and we were thinking of going to Korea, and maybe Japan on the way back. But then, since all these issues came up with people (e.g parent's not letting them go if they didn't get a good ENTER, having to stay back because of uni interviews etc) we decided to scrap the whole thing. So then I thought, since I REALLY wanted to go somewhere, and not with my mum to China, I might go somewhere by myself. So I thought about Japan. But still not decided xD

random, fangirling

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