
Apr 02, 2005 20:18

Today I went to mandir at like 10:30. Nobody was there so i thought what if nobody was coming or everybody left to go somewhere and i would be stuck wit Daksha auntie. Then i asked Daksha auntie and it turns out they went to pick up Dwanika but then five seconds later she comes. So we call Mira and Priya and tell them to come back. Then everyone in my group had worked oh there exihibition part and i was the only one who didnt i felt bad. Then everybody just walked around and nobody worked on there exhibition. Also there was 2 weddings at the mandir. The brides were twins and they were getting married. So then we heard that the pope had died it was sad. Then there was this bhen that was feeling sick ( she was here for the wedding) cause she had cramps. So she slept and i helped Dipa worked on our exhibition stuff. then i went to go wake her up i am like auntie get up and she like i am not that old call be bhen (sister). She told us she was from New York mandir. She looked so familiar i am like where have i seen her? She is like i have seen u somewhere too. i am like do know sonal she is my foa aka aunt.cause she lives in NY. She is like yes but she was thinking of someone else. So i like will ask my foa. Then went to go help in the kitchen to clean dishes and oh my god they were so heavy. Two people had to help me carry one while i washed it. Then we clogged one of the drains so we and try to get all the water go down the other one. It took forever. then my pants were all wet cause we dont have any sinks to was the dishes so we have to use the hose and all the water goes down a drain on the ground. Everybody wet each other and no one had clothes to change into so then we had to wait for then to dry. Then someone brought ice cream from the wedding but it was desi style and i didnt like it. So then a ba came in and said help us make puri's and i didnt want to but i did it anyway and that took about two hours. Then when i looked at the clock it was aarti time . Then aarti started and i thought after it was over i would call my mom took pick me up and then when i turn around there she is. Then i left and we dropped Dipa off cause she needed a ride. After that we stopped at Spice of India as i like to call it Jamil thai we got three movies Zeher, Karam, and a punjab movie that my dad wanted to see called Des Hoeaa Pardes. and i got some spicy peanuts which were not that spicy. Then we got home and my mom is makin dinner and i am watching Gilmore Girls. Now i am helpin my bro blow up this inflatable dice
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