Jan 31, 2004 01:37
Today was purty good. School consisted of an easy english midterm, then basically 2 hours of catching up on reading Scarlet during attendence aid period. Im glad these past couple days sinse chem have been easy and almost care-free like.
Then at around 6:30ish ash mary erica marianne and I hit up the starbucks. I got a delish carmel cappicno, though thats not the techincal name, i cant pronounce it ha. I love coffee, Id be happy when i get older living above a coffee house in a cozy apartment maybe in philly or new york(like that would ever happen)eh i can dream cant I, I like cities, I figure as soon as I get out of highschool I want to move into a city and just expeience everything. I dont want to have my life pass by and feel that I was never really living. I just want to feel like i lived and that everything is worth it.
Well, anyways, we stayed in there just talking for a while or so. Then, we went on over to the new McDonalds in heights, its hot. Its old fasioned themed. Of course we just stayed there for another while and talked. From there we walked to mar's house just a block away and stayed there for the rest of the night talking some more and reminsing playing Imagine If, ha. I like hanging out with them. They kill me.
It feels late but im not in the least bit tired.