Jan 13, 2004 20:10
Ahh today was so frustrating, all day i just felt down to with begin with. Then in the car coming home from school my mom decides to tell me the roofers ripped out part of my fucking wall and window, where i had my window seat in the front of the house. I happened to really fucking like my little secluded outcove with my window seat but no nooooo my mom has to be a natzi and for some reason plan to ripe out the windows in the front what the fuck honesty. When i heard that i just flipped being the little emotional unstable person i am, I just couldnt calm my self down. I just cant understand what fucking gave her the right to do that and NOT TELL ME till after its done. It wouldnt have been so bad if she wouldnt have been a fuck and told me. Seeing that the night before i clearned out the crawl spaces in my room and put all the boxes in front of my window that they fucking ripped out. I really didnt want a shit load of d-bag roofers crawling and going in my room, if i would have known i would have aleast cleaned my room. Ah it just made me soo frustrated and so mad that i had to hid in my dads room to get away from my mom. Everytime she tries to talk to me or be all i told you i told you, yelling at her just made me more worked up and didnt change the fact she had to pull something like that. Now i have no fucking wall where my alcove once was and i cant sleep in my room. Ah yes pms plus sudden surprise of having part of my wall ripped out equals an oh so lovely day.
Happy 27th Birthday Orlando!