Jan 22, 2006 09:19
I know this really isn't post number five but I had to start somewhere, almost like I was starting over *rolls eyes*. Yea ok, anyway yesterday was actually pretty interesting I got up and started watching shows that most people would call bad such as Are you afraid of the dark and Doug. Really really old Nickeloden(however it's spelled)shows. Even though they are bad shows they are the ones I used to watch and have enough sentimental value for me to watch them again. It's weird, I just can't seem to get enough of them. After that and doing a few things around the house I hooked up and hung out with Gavin and Dennys for um... I think it was two hours. *nod nod* I know I know... Anywho after that we decided to go downtown and we had ran into Casey cause he was on his break. We all decided to galavant to the Cats Meow, just cause, no other reason(drinks Dr Pepper). We then had to watch Casey go back to his hole in the ground this soicety calls work and parted our ways and ended up at a few other stores before leaving. Downtown took out too much of my energy so after Gavin droped me off I took a ten minute nap. *bleh* sucking blood and all that stuff... and and *dies*