Aug 14, 2005 01:08


Not good. Usually only happens in early childhood or after extreme overindulgence in alcohol-in either case when muscle control is not all it could be. Will generally just pop out with no prior warning. The farter will for a brief, blissful moment believe that no real harm has been done. However, an unnervingly warm moistness in the rear-pant area will soon give the lie to this thought. Time to find the nearest toilet facility, remove the offending soiled underwear, and start the mop-up operatin. Discreet disposal of the underwear is tricky but an absolute must: you're going commando until you can get home for a change of underwear. If you are both sober and over the age of ten and still dropping wet ones, hang your head in shame. Go home and work on your muscle control.

~wow, this is funny..oh boy we found a book called The Art of the Fart by Steve Bryant and boy its funny had to share with you guys..and do i have more yup..so if u want more holla back..LMAO
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