[When most people are in a situation where being captured and eaten alive is a distinct possibility, their survival instinct kicks in. They run and hide, only fighting to protect themselves and their loved ones. Any sane person would think that when they see a bunch of murderous, cannibalistic psychopaths armed with axes and guns
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Her head lashes back to where Mart, staring for a moment. She gives a small nod before quickly and quietly running over. By this point, she's replaced her steel pipe with one of the axes she managed to wrestle away from one of the cannibals.]
Sup kid?
I was just gonna try and snag supplies and guns when they aren't looking. What's your plan of action?
Been doing it all day.
Maybe I can be of some assistance.
[Haruko nods her head a little.]
Right. I'm going to draw them to the side and away from the truck and supplies. You cover me and head over to get the supplies. We're only going to be here for a minute, maybe two or three tops: you get what you need, I get what I need. Then we bolt, different directions. If we're lucky, they split between us so we have a smaller group to deal with when we run. If we're unlucky? They'll only follow one of us.
Got it?
[Mart holds out the handgun.]
I admit, I ain't so experienced with guns... my new not!mom only just gave me the basic rundown so if you wanna switch if you got more experience, that's totally cool.
It's a pistol, so the curve of the bullet is going to be a bit off. Like if you shoot straight, it isn't going to hit what's directly in front of you. There's always a bit of a curve. Keep that in mind, we should have this golden.
On three. You ready?
Hell yes.
Three. Two. One.
[And she pauses, before sprinting towards the cannibals. She's already on them when she starts screaming to draw their, attention, going into a slide as she uses the axe to sweep the two closest off their feet before righting herself and burying the weapon in the neck of another one before starting a run to the side to try and draw them from the truck.]
C'mon assholes! That all you got? Shit.
At the moment, she's more concerned with keeping them away from the truck. If you want to get to those supplies, now is your chance Mart.]
Mart'll jump on the back of a truck to try and get to the supplies., shooting his way through any nearby cannibals.]
She's about to break and run. Get ready.]
Not bad, Mart!
[Hey look. She even bothered to call you your name for once.]
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