Feb 07, 2005 21:31
IntoTheDark09: palabra
mexiweasil: said the man to the midget
IntoTheDark09: there's something sinister about german speaking munchkins
mexiweasil: said david hasselhoff
IntoTheDark09: to a bewildered eskimo
mexiweasil: as he sat eating a cheese looked on by a mouse
IntoTheDark09: who thought "that mother fucker has my food, lets give him rabies"
mexiweasil: as he sat there pondering the question of life and cocker spaniels
IntoTheDark09: meanwhile, somebody laughed because of the use of the word "cock" in cocker spaniel
mexiweasil: said dorothy to a munchkin
IntoTheDark09: who was speaking in german, which brings us back to the main point of there being something sinister about german speaking munchkins
mexiweasil: said arnold schwarzeneger at his inaugaration speech
IntoTheDark09: and President Bush who was in attendance pondered why there was a large muscular man on stage and just said "do what now?"
mexiweasil: who in turn replied, "where's the beef?"
IntoTheDark09: and for some reason a guitar playing weasil said "in my pants motha fuckaaaaa!"
mexiweasil: as he thought with a stare on his face that best resembles a deer in headlights, "fuck to the yeah power"
IntoTheDark09: and speaking headlights, did you see the size of those?!..... on that golf cart, they were fucking massive!
mexiweasil: asked ray charles of tupac up in heaven as mr. T prayed to them saying "i pity the fool"
IntoTheDark09: as 50 cent checked in after his 10th gunshot wound
mexiweasil: quoth the raven nevermore
mexiweasil: as midgets continued dancing as a lollipop guild
IntoTheDark09: who would like to welcome their german speaking munchkin exchange student
mexiweasil: who likes to go by the name gary coleman
IntoTheDark09: who was accompanied by Wayne Brady chokin a bitch
mexiweasil: as yao ming was takin hits fromn a bong with verne troyer
IntoTheDark09: who was drunk and naked on VH1's Surreal Life