May 15, 2009 23:55
today i realized while reflecting on the past few summers, that each has a different "feel" to the memory. i will start with last summer
Summer 2008
the first summer i had summer school. i remember the feeling of the summer heat, sitting outside between my C&I and World Lit classes. i remember the daily conversations that Nick, Mark and my friend Michelle had under that one tree in the quad. i also have vivid memories of reading at sunset a lot. these memories conjure up alike feeling inside my chest, i really don't know how to explain it.
Summer 2007
this is the summer i was dating Sam. i remember traveling to east Texas with her, what the smell of the road trip was like, and the sun setting on the east Texas landscape. i also remember the Dallas heat at A-kon. walking around, to the pizza shop, to Dealey Plaza, and the JFK museum. the aching of our feet. went back to Seattle, and visited my brother Justin in Chicago. went to New Orleans with Matt, Steven, Patrick and Heather, and had an amazing time. it was a really nice summer.
Summer 2006
this is the summer after Christine and i broke up. i was still trying to make her see what she was loosing, but to no avail. i was free to hang out with friends that i had not seen in a while. i remember Tavo's cold apartment, playing Geometry Wars, and watching Red Vs Blue. also Skyler's house and playing games together. working on mustangs and playing disc golf with Paul. sweating in the stifling heat of the garage, on the exercise bike every day. lost 15 pounds! last summer to live at home. first time i went to Seattle, and fell in love with the area.
Summer 2005
summer after my freshman year. don't really remember much about it. had an amazing time at A-kon, second year to go, and i know the most fun. Joe's cousin Pat went, always liked spending time with that guy. played initial D, collected more Anime, and rocked out. worked on the Mustang a lot this summer. ate out a ton with Christine, mostly at China Dynasty and Thundercloud Subs. had a crush on the glasses girl, and the brown haired girl. numbers 2 and 1 respectively at sandwich making!
Summer 2004
this summer belonged to Christine. first time i went to A-kon. had a blast, even if we slept in the bathroom to try and escape the snoring. Christine came home from her freshman year at TCU, and we really fell in love that summer. it was truly amazing how we stayed together through that year long long distance relationship. we had only been together for a few months before she left. this was also the first summer after i lost my Grandma. Christine really helped me through that, and i am truly glad i had someone at that point in my life. i bought the mustang in early may, and i remember the smell it had when i got it. it was the summer after i graduated from high school, and i was on top of the world. it was a really great summer.
i kind of veered of topic, but all those memories blend together into a feeling in my chest that is describable. i also wanted to write it down somewhere, seeing as it has been on my mind for a few days. i also wonder what this summer will feel like when it is over. i hope it turns out well, and something unique and interesting happens that i can remember it by.
billmastebill out