
Dec 31, 2008 03:31

just got home. saw brittany lol [= annddd VANESSA I KNOW YOU READ THIS SOMETIMES! lol. and sami your a psycho stalker bitch for tracking down the link to this page and reading about the mean things i say about you because i hate your guts [=

sooooooooo ya. for the record, i mostly use this just to vent and let out my ANGER when im FRUSTRATED and in a really really BAD MOOD. so i am not a lunatic and im not emo or suicidal or any other crazy things like that. its just, livejournal usually catches my attention when im at my worst lol.

and for those of my friends who do still read this, even if its only every once in awhile.. keep these things that i say to yourselves, theres a reason you were my friends when i made this, and even if i dont get to talk to you guys as much now.. i still consider you my friends <3

goodnight lol. beach at 8:30.. which is 5 hours to sleep yay lol
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