Jul 09, 2004 13:30
okay last night me and my new bandmates had a chatroom to think up a name for us... it took like 2 hours and like a million names, several with the word bleach or bleached in them, until TJ chucked one that was perfect at us... SUBJECT TO CHANGE!!! thats our name and if you check out my profile youll see our logo (at least the prototype for it) we are gonna work on it till its even better. copy it onto a white background at itll look completely different! lol. the black background causes and optical illusion... totally sweet. so far we figured out that we can have practices on tuesdays, it mostly works around my schedual these days cuz ive been really busy. im prbly gonna be talking about the band and only the band for a while so if anyone has any questions or wants to see us practice you can contact me at guitarmanRT@hotmail.com or on the same AIM screenname or MSN with at address. i hope to set up a website soon for us when we start getting good lol. itll have pics (and fake ones) gear, gigs, merch, demos, the completed logo, and bios for us all. this may take a while and it may be a while before we need it. so feel free to contact me!