Just Thinking About America

Mar 30, 2010 20:20

I admit to it I do down play United States a lot. When I'm angry my thought sometimes turn to my people's history and get pissed off. I get upset that I would never know where my bloodline began, but that's okay.  Right after I rant and rave someone would ask me would I rather be in Africa and I'm like Hell Nah. I'm too lazy and too smart to be over there, no thank you. That is where my American attitude rear it's ugly head.
I'm not crazy I love America, I just don't like it. It's my home and I get away with a lot shit that I would not if I was in some other country. I mean its not like I can going anywhere and be treated with much love. Everywhere on this great polluted earth hate or dislike black people (this might not be true, I just heard that's how it is). So I might as while stay where I'm at.
This is really random isn't it? while these are my random thoughts.
I was talking to my nephew and my brother yesterday and I asked them this question: Don't you think its time for America to take over the world or at least try? I mean everybody else tried why can't we. I don't condone conquering other nations, but it would be interesting to try. I mean Great Britain, France, Rome, China, Germany, and The Soviet Union tried why can't The United States. Give world domination a try!

* These thoughts do not represent the emotions of hate or anything negative, just random thoughts.


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