Let's start with
this story.
If you don't feel like reading it, basically it's about a hazing death at California State University in the Chi Tau fraternity. At some point in the fraternity's history, it was decided to drink excessive amounts of water as part of the hazing because it would be safer than alcohol. So this guy had to stand on one foot in a dingy basement and drink a bunch of water or something like 5 gallons. This is what I remember from Inside Edition. He had a heart attack and died from hyponatremia or water intoxication. The worst part is that the guys pleaded guilty and basically feel like shit. Their ignorance just bit them in the ass. This kind of death just doesn't seem as malicious as the alcohol overdosing, seeing as how alcohol is poison and that's common knowledge.
From what I've read, hyponatremia is basically where you drink so much water that the plasma in your blood gets diluted to the point where the salt levels or electrolyte levels aren't sufficient and your heart, brain and kidneys start malfunctioning to name a few things. It's common in events like marathons or triathalons where people are exerting tons of energy and they think they're really thirsty but at the same time they're sweating out salt as well. In addition, they're not eating during events to replenish electrolytes.
In conclusion, don't be a douchebag and kill yourself with water. It's hard to do obviously, but certain drugs like ecstasy can trigger extreme bouts of thirst and make you do stupid things apparently. I wouldn't doubt that alcohol may have the same affect to an extent.